Monday, June 8, 2009

Redneck Reunion

When we finally rolled up in the driveway, I hopped out of the truck that had been my haven for over 15 grueling hours. I had been in contact with Dad throughout the day, letting him know how we were progressing along the way. As he walked towards me, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Please know that I had been an emotional wreck all day thinking about this very moment in time. He gave me a great big ol' bear hug that seemed like had lasted forever. He almost squeezed the very life out of me. It felt good. He sobbed... I was clearly not myself. For the first time that I can remember, I was hugging my biological father and was proud of the fact. It was an awesome feeling.

We set up our camper and then the "catching up" began. We talked well into the night...

Saturday was amazingly crazy... people I have longed to meet all my life began rolling up and we had one heck of a party. There was so much hugging, kissing and talking going on, I lost track of who I had already met and the ones I needed to.

Dad and I cooked so many hamburgers that afternoon, I didn't think I'd ever want to see another one again. It was a blast... my Dad and I talked as we cooked. He's so funny... loves to make people laugh and have a good time... exactly what I was hoping for. I wasn't disappointed in the least.

Liz, my daughter and her boyfriend Andy made the trip as well. Of course every body loved them, and they loved all the Harrington's too.

My Uncle Gary, AJ (Aunt Janice) and her friend Ed had to leave early, but we kept right on partying. You'd have to go to my FaceBook page to see all the photos for full proof of this very fact. It was a joyous occasion. I was thrilled with the open display of love I witnessed and felt that day. It's really hard to believe how much they all seemed to genuinely love and care for one another... was I dreaming?

Sunday we traveled to Nashville with Liz and Andy. We had lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe and burned up the calories walking around downtown. We left Liz and Andy in Nashville and made our way to the little town I grew up in, Camden. It hasn't changed much.... they do have Walmart Super Center now! We then returned to my Dad's to continue our "Redneck Reunion." More eating, and lots more talking...

Jesse made sure that Dad got a chance to view the Blue Collar Comedy Tour. We all laughed a lot, and I drifted off into la la land... Darlene took pics to prove it... I'm gonna getcha woman... ha!

Jesse loved the creek behind the house. Wendy did too... they were back there quite a bit.

Monday was a day for visiting Harrington historical sites. We took a lot of pics of where my grandparents (Rhodes and Harrington) lived, worked and played. The Harrington cemetery was a highlight for me. While I never got the opportunity of actually meeting my grandparents on Dad's side, I can at least say I visited their grave sites... I love hearing all the stories of Grandma Flossie & Grandpa H...

Tuesday was a sad day... we said our goodbyes and began our long drive back home. There was drama...

As we exited to eat at a Waffle House in Paducah, Wendy noticed the truck was making noise. It progressively got worse and this caused Wendy a lot of stress. She spoke with her brother, a mechanic, and he felt it was the brakes. He said we could probably limp home, but that didn't happen. We broke down in Rockford, IL... Wendy put this on her FaceBook status and one of her online friends came to the rescue. What are the odds... they put us up for the evening, the truck was repaired the next morning and we finally made it home around 7 pm Wednesday the 27th.

There were a lot of what you'd call "miracles" on this trip. I want to thank God for watching over us, as the front tire could have come off, had we tried to go any further...

I'm really not sure exactly who all will read this, but know this... I have reunited with a family that I am finding to be a dream come true... I'm proud to be a Harrington. I'm proud of my Dad. I can't wait to go to visit Tennessee and be with everyone again...

I have two brothers (Michael, James Jr) and a sister too, Casey...

A whole horde of cousins (Gina, Janna & Shawn), nephews and nieces... goodness gracious... I know I'm forgetting somebody... Lord, I'm sorry about that right there...

Dad, you have a wonderful wife, whom I'm very proud to have in my life now... she's a dang good cook too... luv ya Darlene.

Dad - I love you man. Remember this... I ain't never gonna let you go...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Going to the Holy Land, er, Tennessee

We’re going to the Holy Land…well, it is to me anyways. Tennessee is sounding real good about right now. I’m going to finally meet my biological father for the first time ever. Pick yourself up and then I’ll finish…

Dad, Glenn and my self talked again last Saturday evening, for what I believe to be about two hours… thank you Lord, for free weekend minutes. After the three of us quit that call, I called Dad back and we talked for another four hours… yeah, four more hours. It was actually kind of cool being able to talk with him without worrying about whether or not feelings were going to be hurt.

I’m beginning to understand now exactly what Wendy meant when she said what she said to me a few weeks back. I’m so glad I finally decided to call Dad. Before I forget… Glenn, I have you to thank. If you hadn’t of sent that graduation notice to Dad, none of this would be taking place right now. I firmly believe that there has been much missed out on simply due to my stubbornness to not pursue locating Dad before now. I have to admit that a number of years ago, I picked the phone up, dialed a number, only to hang up before it started ringing. Regrets? Oh yeah! Lots of em… I am now working on correcting this.

We’re tentatively planning to go down during the Memorial Day weekend… Hopefully we'll be able to spend five or six days with everyone, and I have to tell you, I’m a little bit nervous. Perhaps a little scared too… I know everything will be fine, but in the back of my mind, I know too that this is going to be a very emotional reunion.

I’m looking forward to meeting my Dad for the first time ever, that I can recall. As a baby, he saw us plenty… I’m looking forward to meeting three Siblings for the first time… Aunts and Uncles… Nephews & Nieces… Cousins.

The icing on the cake is knowing how excited Wendy, Jesse, Liz and Andy are about this reunion too. Like Dad said, “I’ll treat you so many ways, you’re bound to like something.” I’m ready…

Life is way to short… in the words of one of my mentors… GET-R-DONE…

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hit that sucka square on the noggin

In my previous post dated Feb 6th, I titled it “Could be a memorable weekend.” Boy, did I ever hit the proverbial nail square on the noggin. The way the conversation started was hilarious. Glenn, my big bro, calls up Dad. About a minute into the call, my name comes up and Dad blurts out, “yeah, that Wendy (my wife), sure is non-comical, ain’t she?” Laughter ensued on my end of the line. Why, you ask? If you know Gwen at all, you know she’s funny… real funny. I’ll have to admit that I sometimes (most of the time) miss her funnies because of my lack of a sense of humor. For someone who doesn’t drink or take drugs, the woman is funny.

Once Dad’s initial shock of finding out that Wendy and I were on the line as well subsided, we engaged in light-hearted conversation that lasted almost an hour and a half. Personally, I didn’t much think it would go longer than 15 minutes. Suffice it to say, I was pleasantly surprised.

For not communicating with my Dad before last Saturday, it went extremely well. I now know where my big bro got his talkative personality from. I love ya bro… you know I do man. My Dad can flat out flap the gums boy. Not in a bad way though. I quickly deduced that he has a lot of “war stories” to share. He informed me that we have a lot to talk about and catch up on. No doubt…

I discovered a lot of things during our conversation, but the one that stands out the most was learning that he and my Mom’s Dad, Grandpa Rhodes, worked a business together. I’m eager to find out how he and Mom met, and what happened between them that led to their divorce. I’m excited to find out more about the three siblings I didn't know I had. I want to know what my Dad did for a living… his trials and misfortunes… the roads he’s traveled through the years… and finally, what he wants to get out of this connection after so many years.

So you can see, last weekend truly was memorable... definitely one that I will remember. I don’t really know all of what I expect to gain from this new adventure, but one thing I can assure you is the fact that it will be an emotional one.

I’m excited that my wife and children want this adventure too. It's a statement that Gwen made that prompted me agreeing to join Glenn and Dad in the conversation on Feb 6th, 2009. A trip to Tennessee will surely be planned...

Never in my wildest dreams did I see this day coming. But let me just close with this thought – “God promises to guide our steps. Show us the way. Illuminate our paths…” God – I’m so ready for this…

Buckle up baby… this is going to be one hairy ride.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Could be a memorable weekend...

This weekend, without a doubt, could be one to remember for years to come. Let me elaborate… Last fall, I get this e-mail from my brother who lives in Texas. Basically, he says he has this HUGE surprise to share with me. I’m thinking, “Oh boy, here we go again.” Glenn has this odd, twisted sense of humor that began during his childhood. You see, his problem stems largely from a rare non-genetic, paternal disease. My Mom, God rest her soul, “rocked” my brother way to much for his own good. And when she did “rock” him, they were always huge, jagged life-changing rocks. Ok… if I have to explain, you wouldn’t understand. Glenn, you know this doesn’t change my love for you, right?

So back to my initial thought… Glenn springs this never-to-be-outdone-again news flash on me – out of the clear blue. Fortunately for me, my heart is strong. He tells me that one of the addresses he sent one of his graduation notices to was located in Tennessee. Yeah, so? Turns out this anonymous addressee just happens to reside in a part of Redneck Heaven where our parents began their short-lived love life. Okay! Enough of the drawn out sibling drama, brought on, of course, by my big dumb brother – you know I love you Bro. But wait. I’m just getting to the good part…

He sent the notification to an address located in Centerville, TN. Guess what? James Robert Harrington, our biological father, has existed for a better part of 69 years (I think) without our actually knowing for certain that he was indeed alive. All of a sudden he’s in the equation of life… our lives… my life. Smack dab in the middle of Tennessee…

The odd thing is, I have yet to contact him. Glenn, on the other hand, has done so on more than one occasion. He speaks of him as if they have known each other for all their lives. Tells me James (Dad) tried on many times to locate Glenn and me. I certainly don’t disbelieve him, but let’s face it, I’m almost 53 years old. Who I am, and where I am in my life right now was never influenced by my relationship with James (Dad). Could this change… time will tell.

Glenn forwarded several pictures to me of James and family. I definitely see a resemblance. I see more of Glenn in him, than of myself. He’s a hairy fellow. Says people from his neck of the woods refer to him as Wolfman. No, duh… come to think of it, I’m on the hairy side myself. Thanks James (Dad)… I really appreciate having to shave my back (joking, kidding). I could, however…

So where the heck am I going with all of this seemingly “who gives a crap” mumbo jumbo? Ready? See just below…


Hear that applause - the laughter? See the tears flowing down their faces? Yeah, all the Angels of Heaven are rejoicing at the news… me, not so much. Why? God help me… my wife is going to be right again. Fess up fellas, you know you have major issues admitting the obvious… your wife is right, once again. Slam on your manhood? Get over it, and used to it. It’s gonna happen again, soon… She tells me that I might be “missing out on something.” Could that something be bad? Time will tell…

I’ve come to the realization that she could actually be right – again. Dang it… so, with this thought invading my subconscious mental core, I’ve agreed to participate, in a soon to be seen on Jerry Springer Show, family reunion…

To be continued…

Monday, February 2, 2009

What does one write about on their very first post? Hmm... well, I suppose the Superbowl would be a nice place to begin. But then again, who the heck cares what the Cards or Steelers are doing. There, I said it... no offense, but this game was decided by the idiots in stripes. Talk about blowing calls. There was so much pushing and shoving going on, I swear a hockey game was going to break out... I was pulling for the Cards to win. Simply because I like Kurt's style of football, and Larry Fitz is a local kid. Oh well...
I could turn my attention to the NBA, specifically the T-wolves, but... maybe next year... or the next.